WELCOME! Complete the form below to jump start your project with us!

Project Onboarding Brief Form

Your Business Details

Please verify your business & contact details.

Enter your business name as it currently (or should) appear on Google My Business, Facebook, in online directories, etc.
Must include either http:// OR https:// at the beginning, and should be the main website address for your business.
Please provide the name of the company where your domain is registered.

General Identity & Brand Questions

Let's take a descriptive look into your business & brand.

Four to six sentences introducing the company including what the company does, who the company serves, and the unique selling proposition. REMINDER: the more detailed you are now, the better our team can serve you and save valuable time later.
Four to six sentences introducing the company including year established, why it was started, etc. REMINDER: The more detailed you are now, the better our team can serve you and save valuable time later.
Four to six sentences about the vision of your company now and where it is headed in the future. REMINDER: The more detailed you are now, the better our team can serve you and save valuable time later.
Four to six sentences about the intrinsic values the company exudes to the masses. REMINDER: The more detailed you are now, the better our team can serve you and save valuable time later.
Four to six sentences about the overall tone of the company. REMINDER: The more detailed you are now, the better our team can serve you and save valuable time later.
One to two sentences describing the MAIN location, if applicable. You can also provide directions, if needed.
Think...Chick-Fil-A, Coke, Pepsi, Buffalo Wild Wings, Dave Ramsey, Keller Williams, Disney, NFL, NHL, ESPN, etc...and list as many as possible.
Why did you start your business? Why do you keep doing what you're doing?
The companies you watch or actively compete against and other companies/brands, list them here.
Be as specific as possible, this is important!
Again, be as specific as possible, this is important!
Again, be as specific as possible, this is important!
Don't skip this either! Be detailed. You're helping us help you.
You were warned about the questions getting interesting!
The more detail the better...and more conversions later! How old are they, male or female, income level, homeowners or renters, etc.
Do you need more staff, better equipment, change in company culture, better messaging in your marketing?
Increased profit margins? More leads or customers? Increase brand awareness? Attract better employees?

Your Customers

Help us learn about how your website (and future marketing) will help attract & convert your ideal customer.

Think about how life will be after you help them solve their issue.

The Offer

The job of the offer (shown at the top of your website) is to get your customer to read the rest of your website. Answer these questions with clear and concise statements.

The Stakes

What is at stake if customers don’t buy your product? To figure out the stakes for your website, answer these three questions:

Value Proposition

What benefits will your customers experience when they buy your product(s) or service(s)?

Only provide your main and/or most profitable services. What you want or need to sell the most of to reach your goals.

We'll stop with your top 10 products.  Thank you for being so thorough!


This will help us understand your prospect's journey to buying your products or services so we can set your website up to walk them through as much of it as possible.

This is how you show your customer empathy...you understand their problem.
Here you are showing the expertise and/or authority, in their mind, so they know you can help them fix their problem.


The goal for "The Plan” of your marketing is to provide your customer with a simple path that shows how simple it is to do business with you.

Each step of the plan should be accompanied by a statement that describes the benefit for the customer. For instance, if step one in the plan is “Schedule a Call,” the statement would describe what benefits the customer will experience from that step.


This section should explore objections and have your website offer customers a more in-depth explanation of what you offer, how you overcome their problems, and what success looks like once they use your product or service.

One way to write your explanatory paragraph is to empathize with your customers’ problems then illustrate what success looks like on the other side. Another way is to overcome objections your customer might have around doing business with you.

Think of the top 3-5 reasons (we need at least three) why prospects or customers would not do business with you. Then think about a reply that overcomes each objection.

What's top reason a prospect will not do business with you or a current customer will go elsewhere.
How can you reply to earn a prospect's business or a customer's repeat business?
What's top reason a prospect will not do business with you or a current customer will go elsewhere.
How can you reply to earn a prospect's business or a customer's repeat business?
What's top reason a prospect will not do business with you or a current customer will go elsewhere.
How can you reply to earn a prospect's business or a customer's repeat business?
What's top reason a prospect will not do business with you or a current customer will go elsewhere.
How can you reply to earn a prospect's business or a customer's repeat business?
What's top reason a prospect will not do business with you or a current customer will go elsewhere.
How can you reply to earn a prospect's business or a customer's repeat business?


Believe it or not, the hard part is over....and you crushed it! Just a few more minor technical details and you are done!

Examples are Home, About, Services, Products, Contact, Team, Portfolio, etc.
(i.e. Contact Form integrates with CRM platform, Scheduling Software, Accounting Software, Accepting Payments, etc.)

Lyra Patrimonio Content Specialist

Mother of two and full-time housewife, I find inspiration in everyday moments and weave these experiences into my writing.

John Bendever Creative Director

I'm John, Creative Director here at Local Marketing Pros. While I did not realize the impact it would have on me, I grew up in an entrepreneurial household. That means I grew up experiencing all of the small business challenges and triumphs. Today, I realize those experiences helped me understand how vital small businesses are to the heartbeat of our amazing country…and how much help we need as small businesses to succeed.

Fast forward a couple of decades, my work in IT led me to digital marketing where I came across family and friends being mistreated by nationwide marketing services. The digital revolution had all but bypassed local businesses. The vast majority of resources and support, while readily available, simply weren’t tailored to fit the unique needs of the local landscape. That's when the idea for Local Marketing Pros was born – to be a partner who could bridge this gap for locally-focused businesses.

At Local Marketing Pros, we believe that small, local businesses should have the same chances at digital greatness as the big corporate guys. We’re all about customizing our approach to meet your needs and we get a real kick out of being part of your growth story.

When I'm not living and breathing digital marketing, you'll find me spending time with my wife and our tribe of five amazing kids. They are my constant reminders of the importance of community, love, and the ripple effect a flourishing local business can have on its surroundings.

Oh, and did I mention I'm a massive hockey fan? You might catch me hollering my support for the Tampa Bay Lightning. I admire their team spirit and tenacity – qualities I resonate with both personally and professionally.

In a nutshell, my passion is less about the digital marketing itself and more about the genuine connections it helps create and the community growth it fuels. There's nothing quite like the feeling of seeing local businesses thrive, and knowing we've played a small part in that.

So here's to charting the digital landscape together. Let's see how far we can take your local business, shall we?

Megan Elder Account Manager

Hi, I'm Megan Elder, a passionate Project Manager at Local Marketing Pros for over three years. My love for problem-solving, organization, and attention to detail keeps me focused on empowering my team and achieving desired results for every client we serve. I am currently pursuing a nursing degree which, combined with my practical experience, has helped me develop a unique perspective and drive to support those around me.

Away from work, you can often find me at Disney, immersed in the enchanting world of its theme parks and stories, or slipping into the magical universe of Harry Potter. I also love to dance and cherish my quality time with family and friends.

As a part of the Local Marketing Pros family, I truly live by our values of Integrity, Excellence, Teamwork, and having Fun. I'm committed to ensuring our clients experience authentic connections and world-class services tailored to their growth and success.

Mark Raymond Patrimonio Local SEO Specialist

Hello! I'm Mark. I'm an SEO specialist dedicated to enhancing online visibility. Beyond work, I'm a proud husband and father of two sons, accompanied by our two lively corgis. I thrive on staying ahead in the dynamic world of SEO, balancing the intricacies of algorithms with the joys of family life. Life's an exciting journey, and I embrace both professional growth and personal fulfillment with enthusiasm.

Jordan Lopez Web Developer

Hi, my name is Jordan, a web developer here at Arbor Edge. I have a passion for creating engaging and user-friendly websites. With years of experience in the industry, I have successfully delivered numerous projects for a variety of clients. I believe in continuous learning and staying up-to-date with the latest web technologies and trends.

When I am not working, I like to engage in activities that bring me happiness, relaxation, and personal growth. Playing basketball, spending time in nature, and enjoying the company of loved ones are some of the things that I truly cherish.

Benj Moralina Lead Graphic Designer

Hey there! I'm Benj, the Lead Graphic Designer here in LMP.

I'm all about the good vibes and finding genuine fulfillment in the captivating world of design. What I love most is collaborating with people, bouncing off ideas, and bringing them to life through my unique creative vision.

I've found my niche in website design, and it has quickly become my favorite aspect of my work. Crafting websites for different local businesses is a true joy for me, and I pour my heart and soul into every project.

When I'm not busy designing, you can often find me cozied up at home spending quality time with my beloved cats. I have four of them and they bring happiness and love into my life.